Our mission – Advancing digital technologies and artificial intelligence for human welfare

Main goals


Organization of scientific research aimed at the full implementation of the Digital Uzbekistan - 2030 Strategy and the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the economy, social sphere and public administration


Development of innovative products for management and automation of production processes based on artificial intelligence technologies, as well as their models, algorithms and software


Carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence, the formation of a scientific ecosystem for the development of digital technologies


Establish cooperation and implementation of joint projects with leading foreign innovative and scientific institutions for the development of artificial intelligence technologies



Anvarkhodja Kadirov

Director (CEO)

Azizjon Nuriddinov

Deputy director for general affairs

Normakhmad Ravshanov

Adviser to the director on science

Kholmatova Iroda

Scientific Secretary

Organizational documents


Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4996 of February 17, 2021 “On measures to create conditions for the accelerated introduction of artificial intelligence technologies.”


Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 475 of July 31, 2021 “On the organization of the research institute for the development of digital technologies and artificial intelligence.”


Order of the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 25, 2022 No 147.
